Sunday, May 19, 2013


The perfect pancake is a sacred thing.  I've spent many mornings trying to perfect my pancakes.  It might be an obsession, I don't know, but it's one thing I can say that I love about Sunday.  By the way, I'm doing much better in my pursuit of loving Sundays.  I've decided that my Sunday music will be U2, my all time favorite band.  Believe it or not, Saturday's music is country.  I'm not a huge country fan, except for old outlaw country, like Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. It makes me nostalgic for my grandpa and fishing.  So I listened to U2 while I made Javy's banana pancakes this morning.  I felt happy.

Back to the perfect pancake.  My mom's pancakes are the best-light and fluffy and slightly sweet.  But if you ask her how she does it, she's say, "Buy a box of Pioneer, if you can find it."  So I've set out to make the perfect pancake not made from a box.  The best recipe that I've found comes from my Mayberry Cookbook.  Yes, I have a Mayberry cookbook, my grandma got it for me a long time ago.  As far as I'm concerned, Mayberry is Utopia and Andy Taylor is the perfect man.  That's why I'm not married, I've never found a guy that comes close to Andy.  Yet!  I will.


But I do know a few of my mama's secrets if you're interested.  I always mix the dry and wet ingredients separately.  I add cinnamon to the dry and vanilla to the wet, even when it doesn't call for it.    And it should only be stirred enough to get the dry, wet, if that makes sense.  Otherwise, it makes it too cakey.  And eggs, sometimes I add an extra egg just to make it even fluffier.  Pancakes are one of the things that Javy will always eat, even when I fail.

I'm also a maple syrup snob.  After my grandparents took me to Parker's Barn in New Hampshire, I could never go back to maple flavored stuff.  Sorry mom.  So me and mom got one pancake and then I made Javy the rest.  I freeze them for his breakfast during the week.  And Lord, I could not find my stash of real maple syrup.  So I took some coconut oil and mixed it with a little vanilla and Splenda.  It was pretty good.

Here's to Sunday and Pancakes!  God bless!

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