This blog contains heart wrenching admissions that will either make you laugh out loud, snort, or cry; depending on your state of mind or how well you know the author of this blog. Read at your own risk!!!!
I am not perfect! I have issues. All my life, since small kid time, I have been overly sensitive and hyper-emotional. Thing is, its never been a problem, or at least I never thought it was a problem. Its just the way I am, my personality. I've had a successful career, raised a child (I'm assuming you all know who I am talking about, he's the whole purpose of this blog.) I even have friends. Thing is, I've never changed, I've just learned to cope. I cope by planning and organizing and bottling up my emotions which makes me extremely inflexible. But I still never thought about it being an issue, just thought that was the way it is. My family always likes to tell me that I'm overly sensitive and I need to calm down. My response was, well, you know that's how I am. Why not be nicer to me?
I'm trying to make light of the issue, but truth is its a hard thing to air my dirty laundry for the world to see, but its worth it, if it helps somebody else. So please don't use this against me, because I am oversensitive and you don't want to make Javy's Mama cry.
So we've had a pretty busy summer. The Bama Family came to visity-my brother and his three kids. Javy loved spending time with his cousins.
I stood up on a standup paddle board by myself in the ocean, with Javy on the front! He pretty much yawned about it the whole time and humored me. He is a big wave surfer, you know. But it was pretty special for me.
Cousins! |
And amongst all this hustle and bustle, I've learned that I'm gluten intolerant. Again, I've never thought that there was anything wrong with me. Over the last year and a half, I've lost 89 pounds. I lift weights, I run, swim, hike, whatever activity presents itself to me, I do it. But one day, I came home from work and I had this conversation with my mom that went something like this:
Mom: "Did you read that post (Facebook) that Marie put up?" (Facebook, the new WebMD)
Me: "What? The one about 'Signs of Gluten Intolerance." Yeah."
Mom: "Yeah, you've got about 7 of those."
Me: "Nah, I counted 4."
Mom: (Shaking her head) "Read them, again."
Me: "Okay, 1,2....3,4....okay, 5...yeah, 6......alright 7. Damnit."
Mom: "I never wanted to say anything because it might piss you off, but you have no stamina. Especially for someone about to turn 40."
Me: "Well, I do love naps."
Here's the link to the article we were talking about.
So the next day, I went off gluten, or I thought I did until I discovered that the corn tortilla chips I was eating had wheat in them. So a couple of days later, I went off gluten. I made it another week and half. I won't bore you with the gory details. But I will tell you that the difference for me being off gluten, well, its like the difference between a foggy day in London and a gorgeous, crisp blue sky with perfect white puffy clouds at Polihale. My goal is to stay in Polihale.
Polihale, Kauai |
It's amazing to me, here I am, turning the big 4-0 next week and I'm still finding out ways to make life better. Its always been my personal philosophy that we should always be striving to learn and do better. Sometimes I get frustrated and I cry out to God, why do I always have to be the one screwing up and having to apologize. And then I hear the Holy Trinity giggling amongst themselves. And I say, that's okay, I'll get 'em next time. Better to know when I've done wrong than to keep making the same dumb mistakes. Then we all have a good laugh together.
So forget all the past posts about baking, I'm going to put that off for awhile. Actually, I'm going to have a potluck this Wednesday, and bake some cakes to get some of the wheat out of the house. But after that I'm going to put away my baking hat for awhile. Hopefully, I'll be sharing some of the things I've learned. I've already got some tips. If you're trying to lose weight, you still have to watch your calories. Just because it says gluten free, that doesn't mean you should eat the whole bag.
Oh, and if you find an alternative gluten free adult beverage (I like to call it that, because its more fun to say when you're drunk), you shouldn't drink all those either. They have more calories. Basically, I'm not buying into the whole gluten free biz. The best diet is still whole foods-lean proteins, fruits and veggies.
One last thing.....
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