Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Break Part Dos

Here is the conclusion to our Fall Break 2010. I know, I know, it's been over a week since it ended. Well...what can I say, I wanted to put together the perfect video. Fall Break ended without any more scars or bruises. We went to the Queen Emma Festival, up at Koke'e on Saturday. We had the honor of watching the most beautiful Queen Emma sing and dance. If you don't get chicken skin listening to her voice then check your pulse. The Queen Emma Festival (EO E EMALANI I ALAKAI FESTIVAL) commemorates Queen Emma's 1871 trek up to Koke'e from her Lawai home on horseback. I imagine that was an awesome journey and there's no way to imagine the beauty, they must have seen. As beautiful as Kauai is now, it must have been even more amazing before tourism and modern society left it's mark. But I digress. It was a beautiful day and Javy had a great time, rolling down the hill and eating anything he could get his grubby hands on. The rest of the weekend included Salt Pond and 4 wheeling driving on the sand. A great week all together.

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