Anytime we meet someone new like this and we have to rehash the past and it dredges up all those old memories. For the interview, I brought all of Javy's medical records, schools records, and anything else I thought would help prove that we needed their services. I even found the original paperwork from Javy's first evaluation after his nine month check-up when the doctor first told me that Javy had developmental delays. Thank God, I can finally read those words without breaking down and crying.
For Javy's nine month check-up, I took him to his pediatrician, Dr. Battles at the UAB Clinic in Huntsville. I remember sitting in that tiny little white room with Javy sitting on my lap and mom sitting on the other side of the bed. An intern came in and asked us a bunch of questions and then she started to play with Javy. She put a pen in front of him and he didn't try to grab it or follow it with his eyes. He never looked to see what the noise was when she rang a bell. Nor did he follow the pen when she dropped it. Still clueless, I was getting very annoyed because she was making such a big deal about it. I thought, all babies are different and develop on their own good time. Then the doctor comes in, she plays with Javy, too. Follow the pen, Javy. I start to make excuses for him. He just doesn't want the pen. He grabbed my pen, yesterday. Ms. Williams, Javy appears to have some developmental delays. I'm recommending him for further evaluation so he can receive early intervention services. What does that mean?
The doctor says in a very technical way, Javy did not meet the standards of a typical 9 month old. Why is he not developing normally? Will he ever walk? Is he going to be alright? Javy will have to have more tests to figure that out. Here, (hands me an appointment card) take Javy to his evaluation and he can get therapy. I left that doctor's office so pissed off and very confused. But being the perpetual optimist that I am, I just decided that she was wrong. Javy would catch up and being playing soccer with all the other preschoolers.
1 comment:
It is always heartbreaking to hear that something is wrong with our children. You are a strong, loving mom. Prayers for you! :)
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