Sunday, September 29, 2013

Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey...

Yet again, this is not the topic that I have been mulling over in my head.  But its prominence has pushed the other topic out of the way...  For now....  

It has dawned on me why I have been stuck with my weight loss, teetering between 174 and 178, since July.  It occurred to me in an early morning epiphany.  It jolted me from a dead sleep, even.  It has nothing to do with my diet or exercise, actually.  I forgot to keep accepting myself.  I've become impatient and focused too much on my dress size instead of my wholeness.  I've even found myself feeling "fat".   

I had to remind myself that the first thing that I did when I got my motivation to change my lifestyle was to accept myself in all my glory of 263 pounds.  The pressure immediately left me.  I was already awesome, I just made small steps to be more awesome.  I was beautiful at 263 pounds, I'm still beautiful at 176 (that's what I was this morning).  I will continue to make steps in the right direction towards my total wholeness.  

As proof of my growth, my friend even took a picture of ME that I actually like.
I love how dorky I am!  :)

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