Sunday, September 22, 2013


I just want to follow up a little bit on my last post, "I'm in his World Now."  I, actually, have a couple of other topics brewing in my head that I was going to sit and write about, but this came to the forefront of my mind.  And since I don't like to think too much about what I write about, I'm just going to go with the flow and let me heart do the typing.  But just expect a great influx of blog posts in the near future, because there are changes happening in Javyland, even right now.

I'm very excited about all the possibilities that are going to occur and also, what I will learn from them. One of the lessons that I've learned just over the last week, is that I've got a lot to learn.  Hey, its the first step.  This week, I've learned a lot about Javy through the eyes of an older person.  I'm not talking about their 60's or 70's but a person approaching the century mark.  Like Javy, their body or their mind doesn't function 100%.  But they still deserve respect.  Their bodies and their minds are still their own and we have to give them the time and space to do what they need or want to do.

So I'm coming to terms with exactly what my role is in Javy's life.  Yes, I'm Javy's parent.  Most parents get to train their child in the way they should go and then send them off to a life of their own.  That's not how its going to be for us.  I think it would be a very boring life for both of us, if I just tried to fit Javy into my boring life of work and whatever I consider to be fun.  I've decided to follow his life and what he considers to be fun and important.  I honestly believe that's why I was put on this earth.  Hopefully, from our experiences, I will be able to educate and bring that world to other people's understanding so that we can all give and receive a little grace. Ahhhhh, such great relief, I finally have a vocation.

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