When Javy was little, he had this T-shirt. It had dinosaurs on it and it was from some natural history museum, I think in Indiana or some place we'd never actually been. I bought it at a thrift store, probably. But on the back it said, "You're in their world now." That phrase came back to me the other day, in all places, Javy's IEP meeting. I think I finally get it. The teacher asked where do we all want to see Javy. My response was simple. I just want him to move across the floor independently and communicate in a meaningful way on his own. I could care less if Javy can pick up a crayon or stack blocks, just because that's what kids are supposed to do at a certain level. When Javy is interested in something, I've seen him use his pincher grasp and turn things side to side. I'm done trying to fit him into this narrow box of societal rules and regulations. Let him squeal at inappropriate moments and drool too much when he's having bad days. I just want Javy to do the best he can and enjoy life in the moment that he's in. The reality is that this our life, and its just the way its gonna be. Just got to get on with it. I'm going to give him more and more opportunities to just be himself and try new things. As a parent and a teacher that's the best we can do for our kids, is give them plenty of room to grow.
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