Thursday, August 8, 2013

No More Drama for this Mama!

I know, in the past, I've described how our life in Javyland is like a roller coaster.  Things will be smooth and good things will be happening and then BAM!  Something happens, like a seizure or we run into a healthcare provider who isn't up to our standards.  At first, this was all very daunting and quite frankly, made me exhausted-the constant jerking and pulling of emotions.  But I just realized something, and this something is probably what all of my wise sensei's have been trying to teach me all along.  I am in control of the roller coaster, I've got my hand on the lever.  I can't change the circumstances or situations that come up, but I can change my reaction to them.

So my goal for my forties is to have better control of my emotions.  I'll give you an example, Javy's first physical therapist really pissed me off.  She made me feel stupid and like I was in the way.  But I will never forget the day, Javy was about a year old and she strapped him to a stander with wheels and expected him to push himself with his hands, in the middle of this big room full of kids at his daycare.  Javy started screaming and I went to take him off of the contraption.  She started yelling at me to leave him alone, how can expect him to do anything by himself, blah blah blah!  So the claws came out.  And I got Javy off the contraption and that lady never came close to him again.  Needless to say it was very dramatic and I'm sure my family and friends got an ear full for weeks about this lady.  It seemed like there was always stuff like that going on.

I call it the "Mama Bear Syndrome".  It's a natural thing.  We see our babies in discomfort and we're going to swoop in and save them.  It doesn't matter what the intentions are of the person, they may be well meaning but we're not going to take the time to ask.  I dare you to try and explain why you're getting close to a Grizzly baby, to its mama!  This is a natural phenomena that I believe is totally meant to be, it's how we survive.  I was joking with my mama yesterday that birthdays are really for mothers.  I mean all I did was live for forty years-that means that I breathed, kept myself hydrated and nourished.  Easy!  Mom not only kept herself alive, but also three other humans.  And then taught them how to keep themselves alive.  It's hard work!

So when stuff comes up, I'm not going to take the bait.  I'm going to control my reactions and just take whatever steps are necessary to resolve the situations.  Action over reaction!

God bless!

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