Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013, The Best Year, Ever!

2013, The Best Year, Ever!  That was the  title of another news article I saw.  I liked it, so I took it on. Sincerely, I think that 2013 actually was the best year, ever.  It wasn't necessarily an easy year, nor did we win the lottery, nor did I marry any millionaires.  Or divorce any millionaires, for that matter.  I ain't got time for that.  This year, just had that certain kind of magic.  I've never felt stronger or more alive.  Javy is always doing new things and continues to amaze us.  Just last Saturday, I took him to Salt Pond and he held himself up, by holding on to the reef, horizontally in the water.  He did this totally independent from me, like he was doggy paddling.  I tried to get mom's attention to take photos, but she was watching whales, or something.  I am very grateful for a very good year, but I don't believe that it's going to stop just because it magically turns into 2014.  In fact, I'm even more excited to see what the future holds, because I believe that it will be that much more amazing.

As is tradition around this time of the year, I have compiled some of the highlights of this year.  I hope you enjoy it.  I've got to give some credits, first.  Most of the photos are mine, but the hiking photos are Aaron Emayo's and the really cool one of Javy in front of Diamond Head is Chris Grumble's.  And the surf photos are from photographers who I don't even know, but were out there when Javy and Kevin were surfing.  I owe them a huge mahalo.  They gave me a gift to see the joy on Javy's face that I can't see from the beach.  (One day, maybe I'll paddle out there myself.  But I don't want to become a rescue mission and take all the fun from Javy.)  As is, also, my tradition, I carefully chose the music that embodies the experience.  I really wanted to do Eddie Vedder's "Better Days", again.  I love that song.  It totally just says, what I just said.  "The future is paved with better days."  But I love Neil Young, too, and I always wanted to use "Heart of Gold".  I think I've found it, on so many levels.  So here you go.......

Thursday, December 26, 2013

We have a no return policy!

So what do you get the kid who is 12 years old, but plays like a four year old?  Another cheap plastic toy from China?  Truth is, I find it very difficult to shop for Javy.  Let me rephrase that, it's difficult to find that one thing that is going to make Christmas magical, like a bicycle or a Barbie Dream House or a Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.  It just doesn't exist at any box store for Javy.  So we made our own magic.  The first one is a sensory board, flat piece of wood that bolted all kinds of different shapes, textures and colors; enticing to touch and see.
Javy's sensory board

Javy's surf wall

Sensory overload.  He's thinking what should I grab next?

Then the other one is more like a tower, that we attached all kinds of different toys.  This one is for the living room and is a little bit more mobile.  

The tower of sensory overload

They seem to be great hits.  As a mom, its awesome to be able to have him stand or sit up and work with him on various functions, all at once.  And the toys don't end up on the floor, where he has to wait for someone to come pick them up for him.  

Actually, the favorite thing for the holidays ended up being our water table, a shallow plastic bin that I filled with water and cups.  Our new Christmas Eve tradition is going to be sitting outside with the water table and homemade sangria (not for Javy, of course).  The only problem is that there's no good place to put your sangria.  Maybe this will be an every evening that we can tradition.

Busy and captivated

No place to run!

No place to hide!

Just accept!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Chillaxin ain't easy!

It's Sunday!  Every now and then, it's okay to rest the bones. I mean, it was a hard week. The week started with just me and Javy, against the world. On top of that, I worked all week with a sore throat and a cough, got glutenened and now my mom is sick. Javy partied like a rock star last night and stayed up until 9:30. Today seemed to be the right time to put a blanket on the floor and watch Netflix.

However, Javy has yet to be convinced that a body really needs that much rest.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Tonight, Javy got to walk in the Waimea Town Christmas Parade.  It was so much fun, I got to push his wheelchair.  He was so happy the whole time and did not get over stimulated by all the noises and lights.  We've actually skipped the last two Christmas parades.  The last time he went to one, he screamed the whole time.  The loud noises were just too much for him, despite the fact that he was with two of his favorite people-Ryan and Aaron.  So when we got the chance to walk in it, I had to do it.  Maybe he doesn't like watching them, but being in the middle of one just might be his thing.  And such an awesome thing to be right in the middle of, all his peers.

Here's some of the photos that I got.  I know you guys who are my Facebook friends have already seen all of these, but oh well.  Merry Christmas.

I look groovy in my red faux turtleneck!

Looks like an angel, but he's got some devil in him, too.

Classmates since first grade.  Can't believe that he's taller than me now.

So sweet!

Javy being backed up by the band.   

Patiently waiting!

Another classmate since first grade.  

Javy's perspective of the parade.

Pau!  Time to grind.  At our Irish Marie's house,
wish our Alabama Marie was here, too.

Resting, while mommy drinks wine.
He's wearing my flannel  shirt and it almost fits. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

To infinity and beyond.....

Three years ago....
October 30th, 2010, Javy's first time surfing

November 2013
Exciting to think, where we will be three years from today........

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Happy Happy Birthday!

Today, at 11:30pm central standard time, Javy has been living it up on this earth for twelve years. His year has been really full:  Big wave surfing, surgery, a visit from his Alabama cousins and starting middle school.  The biggest changes have been gradual, those close to him may be the only ones who notice-his facial expressions, his body language.  His vocabulary has grown.  He says "mom" and I believe "nana" is his grandma.  He reaches to hold my hand or just reaches out for me and rubs my arm.  It seems to me that he doesn't just see me as the one who just takes care of him, but also looks to me for guidance and approval.  I do think that this is the first year that he actually understood that birthday is something special.  Every time someone said it to him, he just squealed with delight or looked at me, like "How did they know?"

I know, I know, you're saying just get on with the photo montage, because I know you have one.  And yes, I do.  These are more for my benefit, because I forget how far we've come and it's great to see how much he's grown and become a young man.  And I'm not even going to mention that there's seems to be darker hair on his upper lip.   Here you go, a slide show accompanied by Queen's "I want it all."