Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I want a life like bone broth!

There's a pot of bone broth simmering in the Crockpot, as I write this.  I paid four bucks for a package of grass fed, local ox tail.  These simple bones will make a nutrient rich broth, full of collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin.  And it's not for just one meal, it's for many meals.    
This made me think: I want our life to be this simple.  

Simple days, tasks are completed with plenty of time to play.

Simple relationships, love is given and received, and life isn't sucked out of you.  

Simple nights, with quiet time and deep sleep. 

Simple goodness, we're always ready to help someone, however we can.   

Simple isn't synonymous with boring, by any means.  Living simply means that when the adventure knocks on your door, you can go with it because you're not beholden to any dramas or pretensions.  

Let's do it, let's live like bone broth!

Here's the link for the recipe I used.  Love this guy! 

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